Green machine! Broccoli is a member of the mustard family and classified as a brassica’s vegetable. Broccoli gets its name from the Italian plural of the word broccolo which means “the flowering crest of a cabbage”. About: Broccoli is a great source of antioxidants, and it is filled with vitamins, minerals, calcium, fibre, and vitamins…
Filled with nutrients! Asparagus is a great source of vitamins, dietary fibre, and minerals and it can be steamed, baked, grilled, frozen or canned. Most Common Varieties: Did you know?
Homegrown B.C. beets are grown in the Lower Mainland, Thompson-Okanagan, Cariboo, Kootenay regions and on Vancouver Island. About: Beets have been cultivated for over 3,000 years and they vary in colour from red, yellow, and white. Early varieties of beets are planted in March to April and the later varieties are planted from June to…
Festive and fun! Pumpkins come in many different shapes and sizes, perfect for various carving activities! About: Pumpkins are members of the gourd family of fruits, and they grow on vines up to 6 metres long. Pumpkins are not only used for carving, but they are also delicious in soups and baking. Did you know?
Squash, winter
Long lasting and tasty! Winter squash is harvested in autumn. It has a tough outside layer that is packed with vitamins, minerals, and fibre. About: Squash is a delicious and healthy addition to soups, muffins, quick breads, and casseroles. Most Common Varieties: Did you know?
Squash, summer
Perfect for a Summer BBQ! Squash is grown in the Lower Mainland, on Vancouver Island and in the Okanagan. Squash is a member of the cucurbit’s family that includes pumpkins, zucchinis, cucumbers, gherkins, and melons! About: Summer squash is harvested before fully maturing giving it a tender and soft taste. Most Common Varieties: Did you…
Greenhouse Vegetables
Profile: B.C. greenhouse growers can grow vegetables in optimal conditions for up to 10 months of the year. About: Greenhouse growers have perfected their growing environments to make efficient use of land and water. By extending the growing season, greenhouses typically produce 15-20 times more vegetables than a field of equal area. Did you know?
Profile: Carrots are commercially grown in the Okanagan Valley, Lower Mainland, and on Vancouver Island. About: Carrots are a root vegetable that come in many shapes and sized. Carrots are high in vitamin C and K, potassium, and fibre. Most Common Varieties: Did you know?
Profile: A tomato is technically a fruit, but is generally eaten and prepared like a vegetable. Usually red when mature, tomatoes can come in a variety of colours including yellow, orange, green, and purple. About: The growing season in B.C. is short, with cool rainy days and frosty evenings beginning in the early fall. Some…
Profile: Sweet corn is grown commercially in the Okanagan Valley, the Lower Mainland and on Vancouver Island. About: Corn is best eaten the day it’s purchase, which is why much of it is sold at roadside stands and farmers’ markets. After harvest, sweet corn sugar quickly converts to starch. Did you know?