• Dairy products 

    Profile: Many B.C. dairy farms are family owned and operated. Dairy farms can be found in 7 different agriculture regions in province, with the greatest amount in the Fraser Valley. About: Dairy products include nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, and protein which help keep the body functioning properly. Most Common Varieties: Did you know?

  • Chicories

    Profile: Chicories are found in southern areas of B.C. including the Kootenays, Okanagan, Thompson, Mainland, Vancouver Island, and Cariboo. About: Chicories are closely related to lettuces, but heartier and with a bitter edge. They’re best enjoyed sauteed, braised, and roasted. Most Common Varieties: Did you know?

  • Celery  

    Profile: B.C. celery is grown in small amounts in Cawston, McBride, Prince George, and Armstrong. About: Celery is a nutrient-rich, low-calorie food. Two stalks of celery contain only 15 calories. Aside from its low-calorie count, celery contains dietary fiber, vitamin K, and small amounts of vitamins A and C, calcium, and iron. Did you know?

  • Cauliflower 

    Profile: Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that belongs to the same family as cabbage, brussels sprouts and broccoli. About: Cauliflower contains many nutrients and is an excellent source of vitamin C, K, folate, and fibre. Cauliflower can be enjoyed roasted, riced, mashed, baked and in soups. Did you know?

  • Cabbage

    Profile: Cabbage is grown commercially in the Lower Mainland, on Vancouver Island and in the Interior. About: Cabbage is a leafy vegetable that forms a tight head. Cabbage is 90% water and an excellent source of minerals, vitamin A, C and B. It belongs to the brassicas family, along with broccoli, kale, cauliflower and brussels…

  • Brussels sprouts 

    Profile: Brussels sprouts are a member of the brassica family, along with broccoli and cabbage. They’re mainly grown in B.C.’s Lower Mainland. About: Brussels sprouts are rich in antioxidants and high in vitamin K and C. The edible buds grow in clusters along the thick stalk of the plant. Did you know?

  • Bok Choy 

    Profile: B.C. growers produce a variety of vegetables that are traditionally associated with regions outside North America. Many of these vegetables are of Asian origin, including Bok choy. About: Bok choy is very nutritious. Raw or cooked, it contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fibre. Did you know?

  • Bison

    B.C. Bison There are 52 registered bison ranches in B.C., with 7,300 head of bison. About: Bison is nutritionally packed red meat that is low in fat, calories, and cholesterol but high in protein and iron. Did you know?

  • Ginseng 

    “Historical and nutritional”   Asian ginseng has been part of traditional Chinese medicine for over 3,000 years. Commercial ginseng production in B.C. began in 1982 in the Bontanie Valley. About Western herbalists applied the term “adaptogen” to ginseng, as it assists the consumer in adapting to the stresses present in their environment. Did you know?

  • Albacore Tuna

    Profile Albacore tuna is caught in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Vancouver Island. It’s a highly nutritious and sought after seafood product. About Albacore tuna can be served in many ways from raw as sashimi to seared. Tuna is high in protein and omega 3 fats. Most Common Varieties Did you know?