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Fresh or Greenhouse
Greenhouse only
Not available

Mouth-wateringly fresh!

Strawberries are produced throughout the province. The main production areas are the Fraser Valley, the North Okanagan and Vancouver Island.


Strawberries are delicious consumed fresh as a summer treat, and can also be used in desserts, smoothies, and ice cream flavours all year round!

Most Common Varieties:

  • June-Bearing (short day). These varieties flower in April-May and produce fruit in June.
  • Ever-bearing (day-neutral) . These varieties flower continuously from April to September. They have two main harvest periods, one in May-June and the other in August.

Did you know?

  • B.C. produces 1.2 million kg of strawberries annually.
  • All of B.C. strawberries are currently picked by hand. Robotic harvest equipment is being developed.
  • Each strawberry contains around 100 seeds.
  • Strawberries belong to the rose family.

Recipes that use Strawberries or other B.C. commodities