A+ B.C. Turkey Dinner You’ll Find Easy to Prepare
Easy B.C. Turkey Dinner Let’s face it – cooking a full turkey dinner is not the easiest task. Who even has a massive roasting pan these days? So, let’s simplify it and prepare an easy turkey dinner for the holidays, complete with B.C. turkey breast, gravy and mashed potatoes. When you’re shopping, ask your local…
Mussels and Kelp Pappardelle
Description This pasta dish is rich, creamy and full of umami, thanks to the kelp in the bright-green cream sauce and garnish. Ask your fishmonger to source fresh curly kelp for you. You can find dehydrated bull or winged kelp at health food stores. Once added to the sauce, it rehydrates to a spinach-like texture…
B.C. Stir-Fry
Ingredients Vegetables Protein Sauce Preparation/Method Vegetables Sauce Protein Serving Chef Laura Moore Additional titles or restaurant name Bio or other info goes here
B.C. Squash Soup
Description Dairy & Gluten Free Ingredients Preparation/Method Chef Laura Moore Additional titles or restaurant name Bio or other info goes here
B.C. Paneer Curry
Ingredients Rice Additional Preparation/Method B.C. naan bread Rice Serving Chef Laura Moore Additional titles or restaurant name Bio or other info goes here
B.C. Ground Turkey Tacos
Ingredients Fillings Toppings Guacamole Additional Preparation/Method Fillings Side Veggies & Cheese Guacamole Serving Chef Laura Moore Additional titles or restaurant name Bio or other info goes here
B.C. Berry and Apple Crumble
Ingredients Fruit Crumble Topping Candied Hazelnuts Preparation/Method Fruit Crumble Topping Honey & Cinnamon Candied Hazelnuts Serve crumble with a generous dollop of B.C. yogurt and chopped candied hazelnuts. Chef Laura Moore Additional titles or restaurant name Bio or other info goes here
Brown Butter Roasted B.C. Chicken
Ingredients Chicken Blueberry Relish Honey Apple Cider Dressing Crushed Potatoes Preparation/Method Chicken Blueberry Relish Honey Apple Cider Dressing Crushed Potatoes To plate: Place the chicken on serving plates then spoon the dressing on top, before proportioning out the relish and potatoes onto each plate. Chef Ned Bell Additional titles or restaurant name Ned Bell is a…
BBQ Wild BC Salmon with Sweet and Sour Mint Relish
Description Find Wild B.C. salmon at retailers, in restaurants, and at your local fishmongers like F.I.S.H. in Burnaby or Codfathers in the Okanagan. You can also find it at community-supported fisheries all over the province, which give you access to local seafood year-round while paying fishers fairly for their catch! Ingredients Preparation/Method Sweet and Sour…
Beef Burger
Ingredients Tomato Ketchup Horseradish Mayo Preparation/Method Chef Ned Bell Additional titles or restaurant name Ned Bell is a well-known Canadian culinary talent who has forged a path as a chef, sustainable seafood advocate, keynote speaker and educator. Based in British Columbia, Ned is the Buy BC Chef Ambassador, Chef Ambassador for Ocean Wise, the co-owner…