An Easy Cheesy Mushroom Lasagna
Cheesy Mushroom Lasagna This creamy vegetarian dish has layers of B.C. cheese and mushrooms, and melts in your mouth–perfect for impressing your date (or your cat). I really want to feature the delicious cheese our province has to offer, so I chose a three-cheese mix of mozzarella, parmesan, and ricotta to keep it creamy and…
A Hearty Winter Salad: Fresh and Full of Flavour
Hearty Winter Salad This salad is one of my absolute favourites—locally sourced, fresh, and hearty. Thanks to B.C.’s greenhouse growers, we can enjoy fresh produce year-round, like the Delicato butter lettuce I’m using in this recipe. Perfect for meal prep or a quick meal, this cheeky winter salad is packed with flavour and texture, and…
A+ B.C. Turkey Dinner You’ll Find Easy to Prepare
Easy B.C. Turkey Dinner Let’s face it – cooking a full turkey dinner is not the easiest task. Who even has a massive roasting pan these days? So, let’s simplify it and prepare an easy turkey dinner for the holidays, complete with B.C. turkey breast, gravy and mashed potatoes. When you’re shopping, ask your local…
A Cheeky B.C. Brussels Sprouts Recipe They’ll Love
Growing up, I never liked Brussels sprouts. Little did I know, they were just cooked wrong. When you boil or steam them, you cook out all the sugar and flavour, and they get all mushy. I like to keep them crunchy and sweet. This recipe is an all-purpose side dish and goes with anything. Bonus:…
A Slow-Roasted B.C. Pork and Squash Recipe By Mark Singson
Pork shoulder, butternut squash and cabbage This recipe is a super simple way to enjoy fresh, seasonal B.C. ingredients right now. It’s an exciting time to incorporate local fall veggies into your meals. One of my favourites is roasted squash because I love its flavour, texture, and versatility. In this dish, I slow-roast the B.C.…
Tomahawk Steak – Rub & Grill
Description The Tomahawk steak is one of our favourite BBQ show stoppers. It has a real cowboy feel and is easier to grill and serve than it looks! With this simple salt rub recipe and grilling instructions you’ll be set to impress at your next cookout. Recipe based on ~2.5 lb tomahawk steak cooked to…
Smoked Colin’s Cross farm chicken breast with sprouted lentil salad, roasted plums, organic fennel and walnuts.
Ingredients For the vinaigrette Preparation/Method Subtitle only needed if there are multiple components Chef Nicholas Cassettari Alta Bistro The love of travel and food is what first prompted chef Cassettari to leave his his home country of Australia. After years of living and working abroad chef Cassettari found his way to Whistler for what was…
Sear Ling Cod on Shellfish Vierge
Ingredients Potato puree Succotash Shellfish Vierge Potato sticks Preparation/Method Chef Albert Tran Edible Canada Before deciding to pursue cooking as a career, Albert Tran was learning the ropes at home watching his Mother cook traditional Vietnamese and Chinese cuisine in Ottawa. Cooking has always been a big part of his life, earning his first wages…
Mussels and Kelp Pappardelle
Description This pasta dish is rich, creamy and full of umami, thanks to the kelp in the bright-green cream sauce and garnish. Ask your fishmonger to source fresh curly kelp for you. You can find dehydrated bull or winged kelp at health food stores. Once added to the sauce, it rehydrates to a spinach-like texture…
B.C. Stir-Fry
Ingredients Vegetables Protein Sauce Preparation/Method Vegetables Sauce Protein Serving Chef Laura Moore Additional titles or restaurant name Bio or other info goes here