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Fresh or Greenhouse
Greenhouse only
Not available

From farm to table: 

Fresh B.C. cranberries are available at local farmers’ markets and grocery stores in the fall.

Dried, frozen and other processed cranberry products are available year-round.


Most of B.C.’s cranberries are used for processed products such as dried cranberries, juice or sauces. These cranberries are harvested using the wet harvest method, where cranberry bogs are flooded with water. The fruit is beaten off the vines using special equipment and the cranberries float to the surface because each berry contains pockets of air!

Did you know?

  • There are approximately 70 cranberry growers in B.C.
  • B.C. is the second largest cranberry-producing province in Canada.
  • A record crop of approximately 60 million kilograms of cranberries were harvested in B.C. in 2023.