Albacore Tuna
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
Fresh or Greenhouse
Greenhouse only
Not available

Albacore tuna is caught in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Vancouver Island. It’s a highly nutritious and sought after seafood product.
Albacore tuna can be served in many ways from raw as sashimi to seared. Tuna is high in protein and omega 3 fats.
Most Common Varieties
- Albacore Tuna – Thunnus alalunga
Did you know?
- Albacore tuna live between 11-12 years and reach reproductive maturity between 5-6 years.
- Albacore tuna are characterized by their large eyes used to detect prey on the surface.
- In July Albacore can be found in the waters off Vancouver Island.
Recipes that use Albacore Tunaor other B.C. commodities
A Slow-Roasted B.C. Pork and Squash Recipe By Mark Singson
Dinner3-4 servings2-3 hoursCoal Roasted Beets
Dinner2 servings1 hour