Woman standing in an aisle at the grocery store in front of a shelf of products. She is reviewing the labeling of two packages in order to choose one that support B.C.'s food and beverage sector.
Shopper choosing B.C.’s food and beverage products.

By Buy BC
February 5, 2025

Did you know? When you buy from local farmers, producers, and processors, you’re supporting a sustainable, thriving B.C. economy. We’ve compiled seven ways for you to make a difference today.

How you can support B.C.’s food and beverage sector today

Packing a handbag with Buy BC snacks in preparation for a day on the go.
B.C. apples, yogurt, and energy balls. Photo by Danika McDowell.
  1. Choose local / Buy BC products!
    – choose B.C. products or Canadian alternatives whenever possible
  2. Shop what’s in season
    – find out what’s in season now at buybc.gov.bc.ca/eat-local/whats-in-season
  3. Ask your retailer
    – ask where to find products made in B.C. in their store.
  4. Stick to the B.C. section
    – shop B.C.  your local beer, wine, and liquor store  
  5. Ask your server
    – ask what’s local on the restaurant’s menu
  6. Ask your grocer for local
    – request more local items, or specific B.C. products you know and love
  7. Look for the Buy BC logo
    – find the Buy BC logo on shelves displays and packaging at your grocery store

Buy BC is partnering with over 330 grocery stores and close to 150 farmers’ markets to promote B.C. products in-store across the province. Over 1,325 B.C. businesses have registered to use the Buy BC logo to promote over 10,000 B.C. food and beverage products.

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