Beef: Ground Lean
Meadow Valley Meats
Meadow Valley Meats was brought into existence in 2010 and is the wholesale division of Fraser Valley Meats, which was established in 1969. Fraser Valley Meats has provided the Valley with quality meat products for over 50 years. Meadow Valley Meats remains locally owned and has a home base in the stunning community of Chilliwack, BC. A major focus for Meadow Valley Meats is producing local products. We have teamed up with a diverse range of local farms, which in turn supports local economies. Our many local relationships mean we’re versatile and flexible when it comes to custom products and packaging.
Chilliwack , British Columbia
Product Details
63 Acres Premium B.C. Ground Beef Lean. Meadow Valley Meats.
Explore other Meadow Valley Meats products
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