Authorized use agreement application

About the Buy BC logo license:

Did you know? Over 75 percent of B.C. shoppers are familiar with the Buy BC logo. 

The Buy BC Logo Licencing System allows eligible businesses to use the Buy BC logo—for free  It helps consumers to identify local B.C. products at markets and grocery stores across the province.

The Buy BC logo tells consumers that your product is local. You can use the Buy BC logo on: 

  • Product or packaging labels 
  • Marketing and promotional materials 

Collection Notice for Applicants

If your business is unincorporated, some of the information collected in this application form may constitute personal information. Your personal information is collected by the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food (or its employees and contractors) under Section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of facilitating your participation in the Buy BC licensing process. Should you have any questions about the collection of this personal information, please contact the Ministry of Agriculture and Food at