• A Snow Globe Sugar Cookie Makes Pure Holiday Magic

    I’ve been baking these sugar cookies with my mom since I was a toddler. This is my family’s recipe, which we make every year on our annual ‘Cookie Day’—a celebration of fun, creativity, and holiday spirit. We always make sure to accommodate those who can’t have gluten, so I’ve included our gluten-free version here as…

  • Mussels and Kelp Pappardelle

    Description This pasta dish is rich, creamy and full of umami, thanks to the kelp in the bright-green cream sauce and garnish. Ask your fishmonger to source fresh curly kelp for you. You can find dehydrated bull or winged kelp at health food stores. Once added to the sauce, it rehydrates to a spinach-like texture…

  • B.C. Stir-Fry

    Ingredients Vegetables Protein Sauce Preparation/Method Vegetables Sauce Protein Serving Chef Laura Moore Additional titles or restaurant name Bio or other info goes here