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Certify New Buy BC Products

Submit this form if you are a logo-licensed organization seeking to add new products to your Buy BC logo licence.

The licence number has a 00C-0000 format. If you do not remember your Buy BC logo licence number, email
Select Organization Type(Required)
Primary Producers can apply to certify products that are 100% grown, caught, or raised in B.C. Processors transform raw materials (ingredients) into new products; for a processed product to qualify 51% or more of total costs of production must originate in B.C.

The products listed above must be either 100% grown, caught, or raised in B.C. —OR—processed and packaged in B.C. with 51% or more of the direct cost of producing the product in its final form originating in B.C. (i.e., sum of raw material, direct labour, variable processing, and packaging).

Intended Use Attestation